
The museum offers most of the services that you might expect from a leading museum. Please remember that the museum has a small staff and it can be busy so it is best to give as much notice as you can of the service you wish to use. If you require a service not listed here it is worth contacting the museum, as we may still be able to help you.

Enquiries Service

If you wish to enquire about the collections look at our online collections (here) or complete an enquiry form (here).

Identification Service

The museum will attempt to identify objects brought in to it for that purpose. If you wish to bring an item in please telephone beforehand to make sure it is something we can help with. There is no charge for this service though donations are always welcome.

Education and Outreach

The Salisbury Museum is dedicated to inspiring learning and increasing access to our rich collections and exhibitions. We aim to provide opportunities for learning to as wide an audience as possible both within the museum and off site. See our Education and Outreach programme and services.

Handling Collections

A range of handling collections are available for educational purposes and use by visually disabled people.

Finds Liaison Officer

To implement the Portable Antiquities Scheme the museum hosts the Finds Liaison Officer for Wiltshire. They are available to record archaeological objects discovered locally and to liaise with metal detecting groups and the public generally. Finds are recorded on the Portable Antiquities online database, see This role is funded by the British Museum in partnership with Salisbury Museum, Swindon Museums, Wiltshire Council, and Wiltshire Museum,

Photographic Service

The museum holds extensive pictorial records. Images may be ordered, where negatives or digital archives exist, or may be commissioned. There is a charge for this service. Visit The Bridgeman Art Library website to request images from our fine art collection in the first instance. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the museum.


The museum offers membership services to those who enrol as members. Please see our Membership section for more information.

See Also

What's On
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Behind the Scenes Tour – September
September 6, 2025
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Landscape Open 2025: At Salisbury Museum – Call for Entries
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Social History

Of particular significance in the collection are the relics of the ancient guilds of Salisbury.