Salisbury Place Partnership is working with Counterculture, a company that supports organisations to plan for the future, to revitalize Salisbury’s exiting Cultural Vision Strategy 2019-2029. With recent global events including the coronavirus pandemic, it is important to make sure the strategy is relevant for the environment into which the city is emerging in 2023.
We want to hear from local residents and people who care about arts and culture, local business, heath and education, to better understand how a strategic approach to delivering creativity could make Salisbury an even better place to visit, live, work and play.
What makes Salisbury different? What is it good at? What challenges are you facing? How do you want to be involved in delivering the strategy?
Please fill out our survey it will take about 10 minutes
We’ll be running a few open sessions between the 2nd & 3rd May. Please come and tell us what you think about the future of culture in Salisbury.
We will also be running future sessions for the business, health and education sectors – watch this space!
This is an informal drop-in session – come and meet us for a cup of tea between the hours of 10am and 1pm. Children and young people welcome!
No RSVP necessary.
Tues 2nd May
10AM to 1PM
Address: Salisbury Library, Market Pl, Salisbury, SP1 1BL
These 2-hour workshops will be held at The Guildhall. Please feel free to share the invites across your networks.
Please RSVP to
Weds 3rd May
10AM-12PM Workshop for arts and culture organisations and freelancers
2PM–4PM Workshop for community and heritage organisations and freelancers
Address: Salisbury Guildhall, The Market Place, Salisbury, SP1 1JH
Photo credit: Salisbury Cathedral – Reflections photo by Ash Mills