Family Learning
The museum offers a regular programme of activities and events for families designed to encourage learning, exploring and making together.
Family Discovery Days: Drop-in activity sessions covering everything from arts and crafts to trying out archery! Every Tuesday of the school holidays. Drop in, 10am - 4pm. Suitable for children of all ages.
Under Fives Fridays: Lively activities focusing on a different theme each session. Suitable for children 2-5 years old. No need to book. Every second Friday of the month.
Festival of Archaeology: A unique weekend of heritage fun for the whole family! Explore living history demonstrations, hands-on craft-making, and talks for all ages. Held annually during July.
Seasonal Family Events: From Christmas to Easter Egg hunts, the museum hosts a variety of fun themed events throughout the year.
The museum’s family activities are directly linked with our temporary exhibitions, the collections and local heritage, making learning engaging and fun and helping to develop an interest in a range of subjects – history, art, nature, science and more – from a young age.
Please see our What’s On section for further details about upcoming family events.
There is no additional cost for family activities and events; only our regular admission charges to the museum apply. Museum membership will guarantee free access. Our family programme is funded through the generous support of Salisbury City Council.
Resources for Families at Home
Activity and learning resources for families inspired by the museum’s collections – for when you need a bit of museum fun but can’t make a visit to us! Activities use everyday materials that you’re likely to already have about the house. We’d love to see any of the creations you make so please share photos with us on social media @SalisburyMuseum (Twitter)(Instagram).
Explore our DIY make and learn videos on YouTube – discover mystery objects, become an activist or get arty with nature!
Let your creativity run wild with our Museum Connect Video Project! This series of videos, created in collaboration with local artists, encourages both children and adults to respond to the museum's collections in creative ways. Learn about objects, see artists at work and, using easy to follow steps, create your own masterpiece!
There are also additional resources you can download for the Museum Connect Scout Car video – design templates