Museum Membership
Salisbury Museum is a not-for-profit organisation. This means we put every penny that we make back into our running costs. As a member your contribution helps to support our successful exhibitions, events and learning programmes.
Salisbury Museum was founded in 1860 and has been independently managed for over 160 years. We receive annual grants from Wiltshire Council and Salisbury City Council to support our running costs and events programme, but we have to raise over £200,000 per year from other sources.
As well as supporting us - for as little as £2 per month you could enjoy:
Subscription Rates
£24 OFFER by Annual Direct Debit (for first year only)
£30 normal rate
Free admission for one adult and up to two accompanied children for a year.
Single Plus One
£32 OFFER by Annual Direct Debit (for first year only)
£40 normal rate
Free admission for one adult and a guest and up to two accompanied children for a year.
£36 OFFER by Annual Direct Debit (for first year only)
£45 normal rate
Free admission for any two people living at the same address, for a year. It includes admission for up to four accompanied children.
Patrons are passionate supporters and advocates for the museum. Joining us as a patron is an invaluable way of extending your support – to find out more, email our Membership Secretary at
Please note: The direct debit special offer only applies to the first year of membership. Subsequent years will be charged at normal membership rates.