Map and Directions
You can find The Salisbury Museum in the glorious setting of the Cathedral Close, opposite the West Front of Salisbury Cathedral.
By car: Follow city centre signs to car parks or there is limited parking in Cathedral Close (parking charge approximately £8 per day). For more information on parking in Salisbury, please follow this link
By bicycle: The museum is on the Golden Way Cycle route – follow this link
By train: South West Trains and First Great Western to Salisbury. Buses to city centre or 1.2 km level walk. For more information, follow these links
By bus: Alight at city centre, or Exeter Street.
Need to get around Salisbury and the surrounding area?
Salisbury Reds; Salisbury’s local bus company has regular buses in and out of the city to many popular destinations such as Bournemouth and Southampton as well as many tourist attractions including Stonehenge, Old Sarum and Wilton House, it has never been easier to visit The Salisbury Museum and the stunning surroundings within Cathedral Close.
For more information about Salisbury Reds visit:
Or to book a ticket for The Stonehenge Tour visit:
By coach: Set-down places in city centre, St John Street and coach parks.
Parking for disabled people in museum forecourt (booking advisable).
The museum is sign-posted in the City and the Close.
The Salisbury Museum,
The King’s House,
65 The Close,